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Canadian-Friendly Schools

As of 2022, we have COMSA members at MSUCOM, KCUCOM, AZCOM, WCUCOM, Touro-COM NY, NSUCOM, and LMU-DCOM!


For official data, AACOM provides a full list of osteopathic medical schools with details such as tuition, prerequisites, curricular offerings, and more. You can also search schools by average MCAT and GPAs of matriculants.


You can also check out AACOM's reports on total enrollment and look for the number of students at each school that are considered "Nonresident Aliens". This is an indicator of whether the medical school accepts Canadian or non-US citizens. Be advised that individual school admission decisions change every year. It is best to email individual schools to see if they accept Canadian or non-US citizens.


The 2019/2020 report can be found here


Reach out to our School Representatives as well for their perspective on their respective medical schools.


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