Medical Students
For those of you wanting to return to Canada to practice. You will need to ensure that you get into the ACGME residency of your choice. This website is intended for those who wish to study osteopathic medicine in the U.S. and then return to Canada to practice.
To increase your chances of returning to Canada the COA is recommending acceptance to an ACGME accredited program. Returning to Canada for residency, while possible, is challenging as most provinces (besides Quebec) consider osteopathic graduates to be International Medical Graduates. This decreases the opportunities for osteopathic graduates to matriculate into Canadian programs. See the CaRMS website for more information. We at the COA are actively striving to have this ruling changed in Canada to give osteopathic graduates the same opportunities as our allopathic colleagues. Contact us if you have any questions about this process.
More information can be seen on the Canadian Osteopathic Medical Student Association Website (COMSA) on pathways back to Canada.